
The Intensive Retreat Program

A Biblical Foundation – Many individuals who come to our retreats express that they know scripture, but they desire a heart revelation that will enable them to live out what they know. Therefore, they want more than a new list of scriptural references. They need a life changing experience with some tools to walk out what they have received. The retreat experience has been well received by participants from a wide range of denominational backgrounds.

A Dependency upon Prayer – HFN is supported by an international prayer team who pray for retreats and conferences. During retreats, over 300 people pray for each participant by first name throughout the week. God has done amazing things through this prayer effort.

A Cognitive, Rational/Emotive Counseling Model – This is the primary psychological approach utilized in the “tool kit” offered by HFN. Biblically we find this in Romans 12:1,2 as a model to live by. This model has the following foundational structure:

  • Core beliefs (hidden in our hearts) set boundaries for our lives in three areas: they affect our self worth, the way we relate to others, and how we perceive God. Destructive core beliefs can become strongholds—thoughts that hold us captive. We live out of our belief systems. Our beliefs affect how we express our emotions and in turn help to generate our attitudes and behavior.
  • If our core beliefs do not line up with God’s truths, they must be dealt with as sin, because we are trusting a “lie” rather than God’s truth. We must rely on the Holy Spirit to help us see these “lies”, be convicted that they are sin, and look to the Lord to reveal His truth. Our desire is that God becomes our Stronghold in the place of the distorted beliefs.
  • HFN follows 2 Corinthians 10: 3 – 6 in the application of the above model. We, as believers, are to “take thoughts captive and bring them to the obedience of Christ Jesus.” This scripture tells us that divine power is necessary in order to “demolish stronghold” beliefs. This is not just a matter of replacing one belief for another, but exemplifies a process of knowing God more intimately and receiving revelation of His love and truth. The Intensive Retreat offers a powerful experience to meet with God in a life-changing way.
  • As God’s truth is embraced, individuals are able to own and celebrate their identity in Christ. From this growing inner reality, Godly thoughts embraced as Truth, help to create more balanced emotions. In turn, behavioral and attitudinal responses line up with these godly thoughts in what we refer to as “Christ-like integrity.” What we do on the “outside”, lines up with what we believe on the “inside.” More and more congruence is apparent between head and heart beliefs.

Emphasis on Root Work – Our material and exercises are designed to help participants identify and deal with root issues rather than “weed whacking”! Root changes require spiritual healing that only God can bring. This is much more effective long-term than simply learning more about symptoms and behaviors that are destructive.

Equipping with Tools for Daily Living – In addition to the tools related to taking thoughts captive, the Intensive Retreat also helps participants in the areas of dealing with conflict and communicating more effectively. As participants discover who they are in Christ, they must also learn how to “walk” a new walk claiming their God-given inheritance.

Chapel/Worship – Each day begins with a thirty minute “Chapel” time. The focus is always on the cross and its truths. The Chapel is presented in a creative way which encourages a fresh encounter with God. The Chapel format consists of a brief meditation, worship with various songs and time for reflection.

Innovative, Creative and Interactive Program – Every aspect of the program is interactive and requires not only hearing and experiencing new knowledge, but also applying it through various creative exercises. All learning modalities (seeing, hearing, doing, discovering…) are stimulated so that participants can “own” the material presented. From the seeker, to the mature believer—everyone is challenged to discover afresh the power of God’s love and truth.

An Intimate Setting – The maximum number of participants we take for each retreat is eight and sometimes ten. There are innovative classroom sessions wherein the entire group participates. In order to facilitate quality time for working on “root issues,” we subdivide the large group into two or three smaller groups. Powerful, experiential exercises are the primary work in these groups. We also devote time for individual sessions as you or the staff request. The day starts and ends with a chapel service that creatively emphasizes the theme for that day.

The Retreat Daily Schedule

As mentioned previously, the day begins with morning chapel at 8:00 a.m. There are short breaks throughout the day and an hour and a half lunch break. Each evening we enjoy an evening meal together which ends the day.

These retreats are powerful life-changing experiences. Expect to meet with God and receive the breakthrough that you so desire. As soon as we receive your registration form, we will place you on our international prayer list–first name only–and of course, no other details! Our team will uphold you in prayer as you prepare for the retreat, attend it, as well as during your “re-entry” back home! Encourage those closest to you to support you in prayer, too, while you are on your retreat. We sincerely pray that God will accomplish all that He desires for you while you are with us. We look forward to meeting you and working with you.

2024 Dates

July 12-17

August 9-14

September 13-18

October 11-16

December 9-14


The fee is $1145 which includes all aspects of the program including drinks and snacks as well as dinner together. A deposit of $300 holds your place and the balance is paid when you arrive at the retreat.

We are happy to say that we have a donor group that wants to be notified whenever there is a financial need for someone to attend. Once we have received your questionnaire we’ll be happy to share the procedure to request help.

Lodging & Transportation

If you are flying to the retreat, you are free to use the car service of your choice to get to the place you are staying. However, we have a reliable limousine service that most retreat participants use that we can arrange for you. There usually is no waiting for your pickup as there would be with other services. The subsidized fee is $160 round trip.

There is limited lodging at the retreat home. The maximum that can be accommodated is four. Enjoy the advantage of staying onsite which includes breakfast each morning. The following fees for your five night stay are in addition to your retreat fee.

Private bedroom with bath
$425 total (2 available)
Private bedroom with shared bath $375 (2 available)

In addition to lodging at the retreat house, our dear friends have a large and beautiful home where they regularly host up to four retreat participants each retreat for $400 for the five nights. This also includes transportation to and from the retreat house morning and evening. It’s about a twenty to twenty five minute ride.

If you decide to stay at a hotel or other facilities, we cannot provide transportation to and from the retreat house.


If you have someone you’d like to sponsor, you will receive a tax deductible gift receipt for your contributions.

Cancellation Policy

Should you pay your deposit and you have to cancel, we’ll be happy to discuss situation with you. Our normal policy is for you to choose one of four options:

  1. Choose another retreat week.
  2. Transfer your deposit to another person who wants to attend.
  3. Receive a refund if we are notified 14 days in advance.
  4. Convert your deposit to a tax deductible gift.

What to Bring

All materials will be provided. However, we strongly recommend that each person bring a Bible and a journal in order to record your experiences throughout the week. Comfortable, casual attire will be appropriate, including jeans or shorts if the weather permits.


If you have questions or need more specific information please feel free to contact us at our office at (470) 493 8863 or e-mail us.


To register for an event, please complete our questionnaire. Please fill it out and submit it.

Once we receive it, we will contact you concerning your acceptance. That simply means that based on what you’ve shared and our prayerful consideration, we believe that God can use the retreat as an important next step in your journey.

Please be aware that we are not a rehab center. Therefore we cannot accept those who are struggling with addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. We suggest going through a rehab program first and then consider doing a retreat.

Healing for the Nations has the right to deny acceptance of anyone if after prayerful consideration we don’t believe the retreat is the best next step for that individual. In addition, while in most cases we will explain our decision, we are not obligated to do so.